
Posts Tagged ‘ann coulter’

This is a quote from Ann Coulter’s new book (a crazy ultra-conservative I’m only just hearing about.  clearly I’m behind the times):

…Countless studies on the subject make clear:  look at almost any societal problem and you’ll find it is really a problem of single mothers.

I was made aware of this accusation only tonight.  A fellow single mom blogger who said she had to wait to write about it because

I was so infuriated by Ann Coulter’s recent declaration that Single Mothers are to blame for most of society’s evils (including rape and murder) that I thought I might start involuntarily dropping f-bombs if I started writing about it.

Let me do it for you.

HOLY FUCKING SHIT.  What’s the fucking deal? We choose to leave a miserable family unit to make a better life for ourselves and our children and therefore we’re raising murderers?  We choose to have a child out of wed-lock, on our own, because children are sacred and we have the right to bring them into this world and therefore we’re raising rapists? Our husbands perish keeping your country safe and therefore we’re raising drug-dealers?

Perhaps we should just send all of the children of single parents to the fucking gas chambers.  Then there would be world peace.  That, my friends, is satire.  Don’t you dare go misquoting me out of context.

Single mothers come in all shapes and sizes.  We come from a variety of living, family, economic, and religious situations.  We have made very hard choices in our lives.  Some of us, have been through some very hard times.  We are doing our very best, just like everyone else.  And we are doing one helluva job raising strong, healthy, smart children.

Don’t you dare tell us that our choices and our children are fucking up your fucked up world.

Go see another response and her interview on the Today show.

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